How to Maximize Your Earnings on 2-Captcha

What is and what does it offer?

You can get paid to solve captcha puzzles on the website 2Captcha. Captchas typically include text that is distorted inside of an image.

“Normally a user has to type the answer to gain access to a website and prove that they are not a robot. If it is not typed correctly, you are forced to update the captcha until you get the correct code.”

For those who are short on time or have a busy schedule, captchas only slow them down.

“When you sign up with 2Captcha, you can upload the captcha you want answered, and within an average of 12 seconds, 2Captcha will get someone to solve it for you. “

On the other end, for every captcha you solve and upload back to 2Captcha, you get paid.

Option 1 – Solve captchas:

The main method to earn from this site is to solve captchas. Yes, it’s that simple.

You will be given a captcha to solve and once solved, it will count towards your requirement to redeem your rewards (I’ll talk about how you get paid later).

“However, before you can start solving captchas, you first need to go through their training, which is good because it will help you get used to how the site works. The training program consists of 45 captchas that you have to solve.”

You just need to be aware that you will not get paid for this training. But you have to invest some time in this training to have access to paid captchas.

How to Maximize Your Earnings on 2-Captcha

“On a site like Timebucks, you don’t have to go through any training before you start getting paid, so this is something you need to take into consideration before signing up.”

But once you finish the training program, you can start answering captchas and there will be many tasks for you.

There are two types of captcha that you can solve on this site. One is the image captcha and the other is the recaptcha.

“Image captchas, as the name implies, are those that you can solve by typing what you see in the warped picture. Recaptcha, on the other hand, is the captcha in which you will be asked to tick a box saying “I am not a robot”.”

A picture puzzle will then appear for you to solve. Selecting the appropriate images that it asks you to select will help you solve it.

Now, once you solve 1000 captchas of each type, you will receive the payment which I will go into more detail about later.

Option 2 – Referral Program:

Also, you can get paid a commission for directing others to the website. There are two kinds of recommendations that you can give.

You can extend an invitation to employees or to clients who wish to decline captchas automatically.

“For workers, you will earn 10% of their earnings, which will be paid by the site. You will be paid a commission of 10% of the services that customers pay for. Their referral program will earn you money, which will be credited to your 2Captcha account.”

By sending them your affiliate link, you can extend an invitation. Once they click the link and complete the signup process, they will become your referral.

How do you get paid?

It is important to note that you will not get paid for every captcha you solve. In theory, you will receive payment for each thousand captchas that you successfully complete.

“Each type of captcha has a different payment fee. You will receive $0.3 for each 1000 image captchas you solve and $1.01 for each 1000 recaptchas, as shown in the image above. These aren’t really great rates.”

So, don’t expect to earn much from this site. Now, once you earn $1, you can request payment via WebMoney, Payza, Perfect Money, Payeer, AdvCash, AirTM or Bitcoin. PayPal, Western Union, Bank Account ARE NOT AVAILABLE and will never be available as a payment option.

“This is because they believe that the withdrawal fees are simply too high, which is absolutely logical because the amount of money you will earn will not be that large either. So if the withdrawal fees are already high, you will end up receiving a much smaller payout.”

However, I like the fact that they have a low payout threshold, which, in my opinion, is appropriate since you can’t really earn much money from them.

How much money can you earn?

If you think about it, $0.3 or $1 per thousand captchas solved is not really something very attractive, in my opinion. That’s why I would say that you can’t really expect to earn much from this site. This also applies to all captcha sites.

“On you can see that it will take, on average, 37 seconds to complete a normal captcha because there is also some waiting time.”

This indicates that solving a thousand captchas may take up to ten hours. Even though recaptchas work faster, it will still take a lot of work to make a small amount of money.

So, to answer the question “how much money can you make with 2Captcha?” the unfortunate answer is not much.


“The simplicity of obtaining the earning opportunity is the only positive aspect of this website. Yes, it is certainly an option to spend your free time in, but if you want to earn a decent amount, it is better to spend your time elsewhere.”

You should also consider the moral implications of completing captchas. Sometimes solving large amounts of captchas is used by scammers and you don’t know what the captchas you are solving are for, which is definitely very important to consider, in my opinion.

When you figure all of this out together, there are many better ways to make some extra money online.

Can you use it on mobile? has a mobile app that you can download to be able to solve captchas on your mobile device. Unfortunately, their app is only available for Android devices.

Can you use it on mobile? has a mobile app that you can download to be able to solve captchas on your mobile device. Unfortunately, their app is only available for Android devices.

“All you have to do is fill out the registration form, then click the confirmation link in the email they will send you. Once you’ve done that, you can log in to your member dashboard.”

But as explained above, before you can actually earn money from this site, you have to go through their training program. Unfortunately, you will not get paid for completing the training program.

“But it is necessary to finish if you hope to solve captchas from this site.”

One thing to keep in mind when you become a member of this site, if you make a lot of mistakes while solving captchas, your account will be blocked. It can be unlocked, but usually takes up to 2 business days. So, make sure you solve the captchas carefully.

Can you get support?

If you need support or have questions that need answering, you can always check their FAQ page to see if they have the answers you’re looking for. Their FAQ page discusses the basic aspects of the site.

“Therefore, if you have a more complicated question or problem that you are facing, you need to contact their support team to resolve it. The strange thing is that in their dashboard there is a section about support tickets, but there is no way to create one.”

So, I’m not sure if they disabled it or if it wasn’t there in the first place. So, if you want to contact their support team, you need to email them at

In my opinion, although it is still possible to contact them via email, it would have been better if they had fixed the ticketing system so as not to confuse members. Because right now it’s a useless part of the member dashboard.

Conclusion: is a captcha site that pays you to solve captchas. Although it has a few decent features, it is difficult to overlook some obvious limitations.

So, I would like to conclude this review with a summary of its pros and cons to help you decide whether it is a site worth joining or not.

Pros and Cons:


  • Low payment threshold
  • It offers a very simple way to earn extra money


  • Limited earning opportunities offered
  • Very low returns
  • Their support system needs some work
  • Sometimes captcha solving is used by scammers

Overall, I would say that 2Captcha can be a viable option only if you have no other sites to earn money from.

“In my opinion, the low rewards are really what has hurt this site. If only it paid more to solve captchas, then this could be a decent site to join due to the simplicity of the earning opportunities.”

But that’s to be expected, though. Captcha sites are not known for their earning potential. And if you also think about the ethical aspect and you don’t know what the captchas you solve will be used for, it’s clearly not a good option, in my opinion.

By admin

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